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 Environmental Commodity Trading

Tactical Energy Data refinery



Best GaaS is a fast-growing ‘Energy as a Service’  company, which means we utilize all available means of energy creation and conservation available to you. It uses the block-chain to facilitate electricity and environmental commodity trading. 


Energy re imagined

Not all kilowatt hours are equal. Some are peak, some are average, some are clean, some are dirty, some are biomass, and some unfortunately, are surplus to requirements.


Best GaaS software allows the consumers and producers to track, trace, and trade every kind of kilowatt wherever it is and whatever it is.


A photovoltaic cell or wind turbine producing clean, silent, free, zero carbon kilowatts is a wonderful thing. It is a game changer helping  energy consumers tackle the biggest climate challenges. Merely wishing for a solar panel on everyone’s roof does not equate to reality. The potential for this reality may even bring its own set of problems.


However, studies show a fully GaaS MODE raised market driven grid can zero out all (vast majority?) environmental problems and allow energy consumers the opportunity to choose the energy consumers want to consume. BEST GaaS’s  mission is to provide the platform for this market and in the process, bring on the democratisation of power.


The real opportunity here lies with utilities - technologies for commercially generating your own power are getting better and more affordable. So why not embrace and provide a standard peer-to-peer (P2P) platform and charge for the flow of electricity in every direction?


This deployment will demonstrate to utilities that this is a viable option to keep and grow business as the market evolves - which is one of the biggest attractions about Best GaaS. They recognized the need to work with the existing utilities and existing wires - which will be huge for greater adoption.


Energy tracking and trading features can be used to give consumers choice over the energy they use and facilitate the trading of electricity peer to peer. Solar P2P energy trading can deal with excess solar in the grid without subsidy.


If you have solar panels on your rooftop you can use our platform to sell excess energy to your neighbor. When coupled with batteries and our VPP platform feature, surplus solar can be stored and sold at the peak to maximize profits.


Energy trading

Best GaaS platform gives security and peace of mind, by recording all transactions on the block-chain.

If you have solar panels on your rooftop you can use our platform to sell excess energy to your neighbor. When coupled with batteries and our VPP platform feature, surplus solar can be stored and sold at the peak to maximize profits. Our platform gives security and peace of mind, by recording all transactions on the block-chain.


Best GaaS platform gives security and peace of mind, by recording all transactions on the block-chain.


What is GaaS Grid?

GaaS Grid enables energy trading within micro grids.


GaaS Grid can be used in shopping centers, apartment complexes, office buildings and retirement villages.


If you live in an apartment building or manage and develop properties for a living, getting everyone comfortable that the system will calculate everything fairly could be a challenge.


The Best GaaS platform handles this simply and transparently using the block-chain. The platform enables residents to trade solar energy with each other and monetize their roof space. It means residents can buy from those closest to them, keeping the investment, profit and benefit of renewable's within the community.


In shopping centers and commercial buildings, GaaS Grid can create the marketplace from complex energy systems to deliver return on investment for asset owners.


GaaS Grid provides detailed usage data and consumption tracking to identify where the bulk of energy is being used. GaaS Grid creates a local energy marketplace, with trading rules that can be set based on how you want the market to operate.


Detailed usage data allows you to track consumption and be more energy efficient in common areas, because you’ll be able to see where the bulk of energy is being used, and by whom, and manage it more efficiently.


For developers or building managers, the platform means you can offer more attractive rates to residents in comparison with traditional service providers.


Customer benefits

Access to cheaper, renewable electricity.

Improved visibility over energy consumption.

Potential revenue stream for building managers.

uGrid can be implemented on greenfield and brownfield developments.

Energy provider benefits

Ability to save energy costs with detailed usage data insights.

Improves sustainability of development.

Extra incentive to install solar on new developments.


GaaS xGrid

Trade across the grid with benefits for the customer, retailer and distribution network


What is GaaS xGrid?

GaaS xGrid lets your customers sell energy from their solar panels to other energy consumers connected to the same electricity grid. From generation to consumption it manages the settlement of the energy transaction between the two parties, allowing for dynamic price-discovery in down to five minute intervals.


Users can tailor their profiles to onboard and sell power in any way they like, all the time building engagement with your electricity brand in several ways:


P2P: Anyone with or without solar panels can trade electricity with their peers.


Loyalty P2P: Shoppers can sell their rooftop electricity to their favorite high street brand in exchange for vouchers. This is a great option for high street brands because it builds brand engagement – footfall and click fall with their own customers.


Gifted P2P: Customers can simply gift electricity to friends, neighbors, schools and community groups.


Cross Store P2P: Commercial customers can share solar between their stores based in different locations within the same grid, even when only one of them has a PV installation.


Residential to Commercial & Industrial: Commercial electricity tariffs in many countries such as Malaysia, India, the Philippines  are higher than residential tariffs. It makes sense for residential customers with solar to sell electricity to commercial customers for more than the residential rate but less than the commercial one. It also encourages residential customers to install solar.


How does GaaS xGrid work?

Matches per-site energy generation and consumption on a per-interval basis, down to 5 minute duration.

Allows dynamic price discovery, taking into account both the buyer and seller’s preferred pricing as well as the relative amounts of available supply and demand.

Lets users control the provenance of their electricity.

Provides transaction data, including volume and price, to the consumer and retailer for settlement on a customer’s usual monthly bill.


Benefits for retailers and networks

A dynamic price for renewable energy throughout the day encourages load shifting to deal with peak problems on the grid. In the long-run this load shifting will improve grid resiliency and defer the need for grid upgrades.

Fast, secure settlement.

Detailed billing and usage data presented in an accessible way.

All transactions stored and can be retrieved easily.

System offers high levels of engagement for end users with their electricity. It helps retailers and networks attract and retain customers, especially for those who care about their source of energy.

Benefits for retailer’s customers

Matching per-site energy generation and consumption on a per-interval basis, down to a 5 minute duration.

Allowing dynamic price discovery, taking into account both the buyer and seller’s preferred pricing as well as the supply and demand of energy at any instant.

Configurable trading logic based on the desired type of market.

Letting users priorities their preferred types of energy eg biomass over PV, PV over fossil fuels.

Providing easy-to-read transaction data, including volume and price for a customer’s usual monthly bill.


Balance VPP

A virtual power plant is created when you connect batteries individually or in unison to support the grid and maximize income from excess solar energy.

Register your interest

Calculate your savings with Balance VPP


What is a VPP?

A VPP is a virtual network of battery storage systems, connected through cloud-based software that manages the flow of clean electricity to maximize your revenue. The VPP software is triggered to export your excess solar energy when wholesale market prices peak, giving you the highest return on investment while supporting the electricity grid with clean solar power.


When operating as a VPP, households and businesses can sell their stored battery electricity during price spikes to pay back the investment in their systems faster, or even make a passive income profit.


How does the VPP work?

Best GaaS’s Balance VPP monitors the energy market and sets price spike alerts. When demand jumps, energy retailers automatically draw power from the VPP and the households receive income from excess solar stored in their battery.


Best GaaS club's Members will gain access to Best GaaS’s software and discounted home battery systems, enabling households to profit from power price spikes and demand shortages to leverage the wholesale market.


Register your interest

Best GaaS and wholesale energy retailer GaaS club have joined together to make household solar and battery technologies affordable, reduce energy costs and maximise the use of renewable energy for Australians who live within the National Energy Market.


More details will be announced soon, but if you live in South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales or Queensland you can register your interest now and have the chance to get the best introductory offers.



Flexibilities marketplace for network operators to stabilise their grid


What is GaaS MODE?

Marketplace for Optimisation of Distributed Energy, GaaS MODE, is a next generation marketplace for network operators to procure flexibilities services for their grids.


Batteries, variable loads, solar assets and aggregators can bid to provide services in forward facing markets such as day ahead markets and intraday markets. GaaS MODE can also coordinate the dispatch of services as well as settlement to asset owners can be paid in near real time.


GaaS MODE is different to existing marketplaces as it allows for buyers and sellers to trade bilaterally without a market operator.


Key Features:


Flexibilities market for DSOs and TSOs

Forward facing market capabilities: week and day ahead, intraday

Smart contracting functionality for auto bidding and optimised functions


How does GaaS MODE work?

DSO’s and TSO’s can communicate their need for flexibility services mainly based on forecasts  ahead of time to the market to attract bidding from qualified and registered service providers.


Flexibility service providers such as solar, batteries and large users of power who can load shift from the targeted baseline , can bid to offer flexibility services to network operators.


When trades are contracted, and the agreed quantum of flexibility potential verified, dispatch can be managed by the Best GaaS platform along with billing and settlement.


Customer benefits

DSO’s and TSO’s can efficiently procure their flexibility requirements

Flexibilities marketplace can synchronise with forecasting of network need i.e. two days ahead or intraday etc

Price discovery and price visibility

Contracting, dispatch and settlement all managed on platform

Energy provider benefits

Near real time settlement

Blockchain record of all assets and trades

Consensus validation

Optimised flexibility services


GaaS Vision

Giving consumers greater choice and visibility over the source of their energy


What is GaaS Vision

Best GaaS’s GaaS Vision platform feature allows end consumers to choose their energy mix based on the type, source, location and the amount they consume.


Energy consumers are increasingly interested in using a specific type of clean energy, like solar or wind, which means energy retailers now need to respond to market demands.


Transparency is crucial to the future of renewable energy in order to verify the source and origin of green energy as it moves through the network.


New systems are needed to prove energy provenance and enable traceability, particularly when it comes to trading renewable energy, whether between households, businesses or as official renewable energy certificates.


How does GaaS Vision work?

Best GaaS’s platform integrates with smart meters to automatically track the energy generated by assets of any size and capacity, at any location, guaranteeing traceability of energy to its source.


Best GaaS’s GaaS Vision platform feature enables consumers to trace and choose their energy mix based on the type, source, location and the amount of energy they consume. This also helps energy retailers unlock and create new revenue streams, as well as retain existing customers.


Customer benefits

Visibility about where your energy is sourced from.

Ability to support smaller generators to develop the market.

Choose energy mix or a preferred producer.

Energy provider benefits

Choice of type, source and location of energy to their customers in real-time.

New opportunities for customer recruitment and retention.

Visibility on capacity of renewable assets.


PPA GaaS Vision

A data management and settlement system for energy asset owners and operators.


What is PPA GaaS Vision

PPA GaaS Vision is a data management and settlement system for energy asset owners and operators.


It provides greater visibility in a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for energy sold to offtakers or the spot market.


PPA GaaS Vision is designed for co-located renewable energy assets such as rooftop solar and cross-grid PPA supply arrangements.


For example, a business or a local council entering into PPA with a renewable energy generator can embed the transaction software directly.


How does PPA GaaS Vision work?

Best GaaS is able to integrate its technology with independent power producers, embedded network operators, asset developers and PV system owners.


Generators can customize the energy tracking and trading software to suit the regulatory requirements of governments, local councils and businesses to assist them in reaching their renewable energy targets.


Customer benefits

Access to renewable energy sources.

Reduced reliance on fossil fuel sourced electricity.

Reports about energy transactions.

Energy provider benefits

Automatically draws energy data from smart meters.

Wholesale market sale information.

Settlement and billing for electricity delivered to buyers.

Remittance for electricity sold to wholesale market.

More detailed billing and usage data.


PPA Exchange

Making renewables PPAs seamless


What is PPA Exchange?

Tenders for Renewable Energy are popular worldwide. Procurement is typically taking place by issuing one-off Requests for Proposals (RFPs). These bespoke RFPs,as well as the contracting and negotiation phases that follow, are complex and time-consuming to develop, manage, and evaluate. Additionally, bilateral Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) negotiations do not provide market participants (buyers or sellers) with price discovery. Given the pace of price decline for renewable energy and the increase in technology development traditional RFPs are imperfect tools for scaling Renewable Energy purchasing.


Best GaaS ‘s  PPA Exchange Platform, offers a solution where the time to procure PPAs can be shortened considerably using technology and legally vetted PPA templates to provide an auction marketplace to expedite and simplify the procurement process.


Best GaaS’s PPA exchange platform feature is a reverse auction marketplace buying and selling PPAs.


How does PPA Exchange work?

PPA Exchange allows buyers of PPAs to efficiently procure their energy via a reverse auction. Sellers of energy can readily market their energy, find buyers and contract offtakers. Buyers and sellers can enter into agreements at a fair price with market standard contracts.


Customer benefits

Enables buyers to procure PPAs efficiently

Reduces long traditional procurement processes

Facilitates price discovery

Creates Buyer’s market via reverse auction to maximise competition

Market sounding functionality

Can facilitate procurement of other types of energy

Energy provider benefits

Ensures low procurement costs

Enables market sounding

Enables modular selling of PPAs in the primary and secondary market

Allows for easier selling that is matched against load profile

Greater exposure to more buyers

Risk diversification in terms of buyers, therefore improving credit quality

Time and cost reduction

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